= "regtest" peer { discovery = { enabled = true ip.list = [ "localhost:30305", "localhost:30307" ] } active = [ { ip = port = 30305 nodeId = 2bc32aa570b3e292a9bd93380c1a23fb5c877d91bad5462affc80f45658e0abad0c4bef2d44aea6c2715e891114aa95ee09731dedf96bec099377a2f92aa13f0 }, { ip = port = 30307 nodeId = 27ff5188578640d7f29fe842448cc8caff234b8d9103bf03b56250935450aea733158e314708fc607067b3639f862097585d8f48fef561b5fd45bbd5a233f7bf } ] port = 30306 privateKey = 318d13e6ce98e73ac3a8f85e31dbe56dba6b4ff3e45d4e32f4b6cd5a28490ed4 networkId = 456124 } genesis = rsk-dev.json database { dir = node2 reset = true } hello.phrase = Dev # miner options miner { server.enabled = true client.enabled = true minGasPrice = 0 # these are values used by MinerServer to set the notify flag on/off gasUnitInDollars = 0.001 minFeesNotifyInDollars = 30 # this string is computed to be eventually the address that get the miner reward coinbase.secret = monkey2 } rpc { providers : { web: { cors: "localhost", http: { enabled: true, bind_address: localhost, port: 4445, } } } modules = [ { name: "eth", version: "1.0", enabled: "true", }, { name: "net", version: "1.0", enabled: "true", }, { name: "rpc", version: "1.0", enabled: "true", }, { name: "web3", version: "1.0", enabled: "true", }, { name: "personal", version: "1.0", enabled: "true" }, { name: "mnr", version: "1.0", enabled: "true" } ] }