rLogin - sample apps

This is a list of samples apps built with rLogin


It has two applicactions:

  • A basic app with just front-end integration
  • An app with backend authentication using express-did-auth

Both apps have cypress tests. This may also be of interest :)

Repo: https://github.com/rsksmart/rlogin-sample-apps

rLogin samples

rLogin repo has a sample app that can be used for testing the tool while developing.

It integrates rLogin fron a just-html front end

Repo: https://github.com/rsksmart/rLogin

rLogin workshop

This is a sample application using all of the features available when integrating RIF Identity suite

Repo: https://github.com/rsksmart/rlogin-workshop

This repo was used in a live demo that will be uploaded soon. Stay tuned: https://youtube.com/rsksmart

You may also want to see the current integrations featuring some Pull Requests.

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