Rootstock (RSK) Address Resolution guidelines

Resolving an Rootstock (RSK) address associated to a domain consist of 4 steps:

  1. Obtain the identifier of the domain.

    Use namehash algorithm

  2. Get the domain's resolver contract.

    Use resolver(bytes32)

  3. Detect if contract supports addr(bytes32) interface via ERC-165 interface detection.

    Use supportsInterface(bytes4) with interface ID: 0x3b3b57de

    ERC-165 spec

  4. Query for address resolution.

    Use addr(bytes32) with the domain identifier.

    addr(bytes32) spec

function getAddr(domain) {
  const node = namehash(domain)
  const resolver = rns.resolver(node)
  if (!resolver.supportsInterface('0x3b3b57de'))
  return resolver.addr(node);

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