RIF Scheduler - SDK - Querying Plans

Querying a plan

To schedule a transaction you need to purchase a plan. Plans are paid in tokens or RBTC.

First of all, you need to get a plan from the service provider, which will give you the price per execution, the payment token,the execution window in seconds, the maximum gas that an execution can spend and its status.

import { RIFScheduler } from "@rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk";

const config = {
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: signer

const rifScheduler = new RIFScheduler(config);

const planIndex = 0;
const plan = rifScheduler.getPlan(planIndex)

//  {
//    pricePerExecution: 10000000000000;
//    window: 300;
//    token: Token;
//    gasLimit: 200000;
//    active: true;
//    ...
//  }

Querying ALL plans

If you want to obtain all plans from the service provider, you must first get the plans count and then get the plans one by one.

import { RIFScheduler } from "@rsksmart/rif-scheduler-sdk";

const config = {
    contractAddress: serviceProviderContractAddress,
    providerOrSigner: signer

const rifScheduler = new RIFScheduler(config);

const plans = await rifScheduler.getPlans();

//  [{
//    pricePerExecution: 10000000000000;
//    window: 300;
//    gasLimit: 200000;
//    token: Token;
//    active: true;
//    ...
//  },
//  {
//    pricePerExecution: 50000000000000;
//    window: 600;
//    gasLimit: 400000;
//    token: Token;
//    active: true;
//    ...
//  }]

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