How to Configure RSKj node for mining | Rootstock (RSK)

In the previous steps we launched a single node. However the default configuration is not suitable for mining. Mining is needed in order to publish contracts so let's configure our node to mine. A sample configuration for mining is miner1.conf.

In IntelliJ IDEA, copy the existing RSK configuration and add the VM options for the miner node:


With the Run button, you're running your first miner node!

Running miners

To setup more mining nodes two more configurations are here: (miner2.conf and miner3.conf).

We now have three configurations for different miners. Now for the fun part, let's run a local RSK network! Go to Run configuration button again and start all the miners configurations one after the other.

Congratulations! you're running a local RSK mining node!

Checkout how to run the RSK node with autominer

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