Bleumi: Covering the 'last mile' of RSK Ecosystem as a Payment Technology Partner - RSK + RIF Webinars

As a payment technology partner, Bleumi is enabling blockchain adoption by every-day users in ever-day payment and payout use.

Webinar Agenda:

Introduction to Bleumi Pay (All-in-One Global Digital Currency Payment Platform) Why Bleumi Pay for Digital Currency Payments? Bleumi Product Roadmap Demo of RSK Token Payment using Bleumi Pay on eCommerce Store (WooCommerce / Magento)

Friday, June 19, 2020

5:00 PMGMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


  • Thomas Arul,Bleumi CEO- @thomasarul
  • John Melvin Susai,Bleumi COO- @johnmelvins