rLogin - Integrate rLogin into Your App | Rootstock (RSK)

Integrate rLogin into your app and allow your users to choose their favourite wallets to log in. With a single tool, you will get connected to their wallet using an API compatible with Metamask, continue developing as you did.

Wallet support:

  • Browser wallets: Metamask, Liquality
  • Mobile wallets via Wallet Connect
  • Custodial wallets: Portis, Torus (beta)
  • Hardware wallets: Ledger, Trezor, D'Cent

EIP-1193 support

Network support:

  • Rootstock Mainnet, Rootstock Testnet
  • Ethereum, Ropsten, Kovan, Rinkeby, Goerli

Clients support

  • ethers, web3.js and others

Repo: rsksmart/rLogin

Getting started

Follow this guide to configure rLogin in minutes

    1. Install rLogin
    yarn add @rsksmart/rlogin

    Add wallets peer dependecies:

    Wallet provider Required package
    Browser wallets none
    Wallet Connect @walletconnect/web3-provider
    Portis @portis/web3
    Torus (beta) @toruslabs/torus-embed
    Trezor @rsksmart/rlogin-trezor-provider
    Ledger @rsksmart/rlogin-ledger-provider
    D'Cent @rsksmart/rlogin-dcent-provider
    yarn add @walletconnect/web3-provider @portis/web3 @toruslabs/torus-embed @rsksmart/rlogin-trezor-provider @rsksmart/rlogin-ledger-provider @rsksmart/rlogin-dcent-provider
    1. Create rLogin DOM element, configure networks and wallet providers
    import RLogin from '@rsksmart/rlogin'
    import WalletConnectProvider from '@walletconnect/web3-provider'
    import Portis from '@portis/web3'
    import Torus from '@toruslabs/torus-embed'
    import { trezorProviderOptions } from '@rsksmart/rlogin-trezor-provider'
    import { ledgerProviderOptions } from '@rsksmart/rlogin-ledger-provider'
    import { dcentProviderOptions } from '@rsksmart/rlogin-dcent-provider'
    const rpcUrls = {
      30: 'https://public-node.rsk.co',
      31: 'https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co',
    const supportedChains = Object.keys(rpcUrls).map(Number)
    const infoOptions = {
      30: { addressBaseURL: 'https://explorer.rsk.co/address/' },
      31: { addressBaseURL: 'https://explorer.testnet.rsk.co/address/' }
    export const rLogin = new RLogin({
      providerOptions: {
        walletconnect: {
          package: WalletConnectProvider,
          options: {
            rpc: rpcUrls
        portis: {
          package: Portis,
          options: {
            id: "a1c8672b-7b1c-476b-b3d0-41c27d575920",
            network: {
              nodeUrl: 'https://public-node.testnet.rsk.co',
              chainId: 31,
        torus: {
            package: Torus,
        'custom-ledger': ledgerProviderOptions,
        'custom-dcent': dcentProviderOptions,
        'custom-trezor': {
          options: {
            manifestEmail: 'info@iovlabs.org',
            manifestAppUrl: 'https://basic-sample.rlogin.identity.rifos.org/',

    Tip: Put this all together in a single file named rlogin.ts and export a single instance of RLogin. This ensures that only a single DOM element is created.

    How to Add Web3Modal Compatible Providers to rLogin

    You can add any web3modal compatible providers to rLogin providerOptions. See the list of compatible wallet providers and their setup.

    Note that these are not tested yet (the ones that are not on the default rLogin instance) and they might need extra configuration to work on Rootstock (RSK), because they are Ethereum based wallet providers.

    1. Connect!
    import { providers } from 'ethers'
    const login = () => rLogin.connect()
        .then(({ provider, disconnect }) => {
            const provider = new providers.Web3Provider(provider)

    You can use provider with your preferred client: Web3.js, ethjs, ethers.js or other.

    Use disconnect to disconnect from the selected wallet. This single function simplifies handling the wallet specifics at all.


i18n, theming, dark/light, listeners, triggers

rLogin sample apps

Sample apps! Find all the code you need

Integrated backend authentication

Integrate the authentication model based on the user's digital signature capabilities


From web3modal or web3react

The developer experience

rLogin is compatible with Metamask implementations! You can use rLogin in your dapp with your favourite libraries just as you did before.


rLogin supports EIP-1193. This means rLogin provider is compatible with the API described in the standard, thus polymorphic with Metamask API. This also allows you to make a single implementation and integrate all the supported wallets instantly, and let you work with your favourite web3 client.

The UX

The UX is the most important part of this project. This is the main point to consider when integrating rLogin

Wallet information

Before logging in to the app, the user will be able to validate the account and network they are connecting to.

wallt info

Tutorials and helpers for hardware wallets

Hardware wallets can be quite hard to use. rLogin includes a few short tutorials that will help users to overcome these difficulties, and get connected to the different networks with the most secure devices.

wallt info

Choose network

Some wallets need the user to pick their wallet network conneciton from the UI. We added a selector for the networks that are listed in rpcUrls This step will be prompted for hardware wallets or Torus.

wallt info

Supported networks

If the user can choose the network in their wallet rLogin will ask the user to change the network before rLogin.connect() happens. This will ensure you the user is connected to the correct network when landing.

It will also show up after logging in, if the user changes the network and it is not supported.

rLogin supports Metamask features to change the network from the app. For the other providers we show the list of available networks.

wallt info

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